The sauna is intended to relax the body, strengthen the immune system system and health status in general. This traditional process of sweating in order to improve health, it is very widespread not only in Finland and other northern countries and around the world. The air in the sauna is hot and dry and its temperature ranges from 80 to 100 degrees.
The steam bath has special benefits on the body because only exposing the body to high temperatures and humidity contributes to meeting of the experience that you will want to feel again. Indulged in the heat provided by the steam (Turkish) bathroom, you will give your body a unique feeling of regeneration - from strengthening immune system through airway cleansing, body scrub. Ideal relaxation after a hard day or a simple solution for purification of the organism. The body and skin get rid of toxins, it improves blood circulation, and the immune system is stimulated to regenerate physical and mental system.
Experts have inserted the experience of the ancients into these systems oriental massages combined with the results of modern hydromassage therapy. Specially designed and customizable hot water jets perform direct deep massage on the specific points of the musculoskeletal system. After skiing or a long walk in nature, there is no better way to recover your energy and give your body a sense of well-being from staying in the jacuzzi. This brings many health benefits including fast healing of tired or damaged muscles, relieves back pain and allows deep and quality sleep.
The salt room is a specifically constructed room with walls and a ceiling coated with a combination of Himalayan and sea salt. The microclimate of the salt room is hypoallergenic and aseptic, the sterility of the salt room is higher than the sterility of a operating room. In addition to sodium chloride, the aerosol also contains iron, calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, lithium, selenium-minerals that participate in many physiological processes of the organism. Negative ions increase the amount of oxygen and serotonin levels in the brain leading to an increase in mental energy while reducing feelings of apathy and depression, emotional instability, nervousness and stress. In a word, a salt room is HEALTH...
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